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Any Other Questions?

Got more questions about Unfolded? Then we have answers, don't hesitate to get in touch with our amazing support team.

Contact details

If you have any questions or queries the best place to contact is [email protected] - they’ll be able to direct you to the right team. For specific enquires please see below:. Press enquiries: [email protected]. Marketing/partnerships

Registered company address

Unfolded is a trading name for We Are Unfolded Ltd - a company registered in Scotland. Company registration number: SC707678. Registered office:. Please do not send anything here as we are a remote first company this is just where our legal mail goes

Do you regret saying no to the Dragons?

Nope - since then the size of Unfolded has more than 10x and we’re happy to say we think it can 10x in the coming years as well. It would have been great to have (some) of the Dragons on this journey with us but we’re happy doing it ourselves!