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How do I return an item that is faulty?Updated 20 days ago

There’s nothing worse than having an item you have been waiting for turn up faulty. Especially if you have been waiting for a while for the item to be made and arrive from India. We understand how frustrating it can be and as much as we quality control our products from the factories where they are made, faulty items can slip through unfortunately.

For faulty items we ask that you contact our support team and send a picture of the fault if possible. This helps us workout the best resolution possible for your item.

You will then be offered one of three resolutions:

  1. Exchange the item for a new replacement if we have one available.

  2. Return the item for a full refund including shipping costs.

  3. Money off the product to have it fixed with a local tailor if suitable.

The cost of postage will be covered by Unfolded for any faulty returns.

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