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Our positive impact

Every time you buy from Unfolded you create positive impact in the world. Discover how your sustainable clothes change the world in our impact section.

How do you create a positive impact in the world?

Shopping with Unfolded creates a positive impact in 3 key ways. The garment workers who make our clothes are paid a higher wage than traditional brands provide. You help to fund schools in the communities where your clothes are made through our partn

Who is Pratham?

Pratham is a leading Indian Education charity, they were founded in the 1980s and have helped millions of children to learn to read and write using their educational support methodology. This approach can significantly speed up the learning process a

Why did you choose this way of creating a positive impact?

As Unfolded is a community we let them decide - the 100 women who helped us design the first Unfolded collection also helped us pick an amazing partner to work with. They voted for the causes they cared the most about and then we found a range of par

Why can’t you make positive impact in the UK?

We made an active choice that our positive impact should be where our clothes are made. The fashion industry is global and has been for decades, we want to help improve every element of it, so it makes sense to focus our impact on where our clothes a

How do you support children in education?

Every piece of eco-friendly clothing bought from This is Unfolded supports a child living in India, near the communities where our clothes are made. We fund children learning to read and write with leading Indian education charity - Pratham. Pratham