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Why shop with us?

When you shop with This is Unfolded, you shop in a whole new way:. Good for the planetThere’s far less waste because we produce clothes by demand, plus we’re doing lots more to be sustainable. Read more. Good for peopleWith every order you’ll support

How do I swap?

This is Unfolded has a growing community of like-minded shoppers, where you can swap anything that isn't right for you and get something else great instead. We offer free postage for your first swap, and we have a great community on Facebook where we

How do I track my order?

As soon as your parcel has been handed over to Royal Mail, you'll be getting an email with your tracking information so you can see where your parcel is on its journey to you. If you have any questions about your delivery, or if there's anything else

Can I return an item?

First of all, we really hope that you do love your clothes. However, if a piece doesn’t quite work for you, we have a few options. This is Unfolded has a growing community of like-minded shoppers, where you can swap anything that isn't right for you

Faulty or damaged items

We are really sorry if you have received a faulty or damaged item. In these rare circumstances, we will of course look to offer you a solution, whether that is an exchange of a faulty item or if you've received the wrong size by mistake, a refund or